Your First Cup of Git: The Chai Code Cohort Guide to Git & GitHub πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ’»

Your First Cup of Git: The Chai Code Cohort Guide to Git & GitHub πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ’»

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Introduction

Hey! Welcome to the Chai Code cohort team! From a company perspective, Git and GitHub are very crucial technologies for version control, teamwork, and collaboration. So here is the β€œSOLUTION.” These docs are meant to help you get started with them.

GitHub and Git will be your go-to tools for managing code changes, working together on features, and settling disputes. Get ready to contribute successfully by following this onboarding guide

Let’s Go..!➑️

The First question that comes to mind is, What are Git and GitHub? πŸ€”


Here is the answer: Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to track changes in their code, collaborate on projects, and manage versions efficiently. It helps ensure you can revert to earlier states of your project if necessary.


Here is the answer: GitHub is a cloud-based platform of hosting Git repositories (repos). It offers tools for team collaboration, including pull requests, issue tracking, and project records. GitHub is where Chai Code developers collaborate and maintain project repositories.

Some additional info:

  • Version control system?

    The history of your code is managed via version control systems. They let you work together and keep track of file modifications. Software development requires version control systems. Think of version control as a game checkpoint. You can always return to the previous checkpoint and go to any point in the game. In software development, this idea is the same.

  • Repository?

    A repository (repo) is like a digital folder where your project's code, files, and version history are stored. It’s the core structure used by Git and GitHub to organize and manage projects.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Installation of Git & GitHub:

  1. Installing Git

    • Windows

    • MacOS

      • Install homebrew if not already installed:

          /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <>)"
      • Install Git:

          brew install git
    • Linux

      • Use your package manager to install Git:

        plaintext sudo apt install git

  2. Configuring Git

    • Using User name and email:

        git config --global "Your Name"
        git config --global ""
  3. GitHub Account setup:

    • Go to GitHub and sign up for a free account.

    • Verify your email address.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Cloning the Chai Code Repository:

  • So Now you create your GitHub account, now sign in.

    • Then go to repository section on GitHub.

    • Create new repo.

      • Dashboard view:

      • Repository section view:

    • Fill the details correctly:

    • Follow this quick setup in vs code terminal:

    • Then click on code button:

    • Copy the repository's HTTPS URL or SSH URL.

    • Clone the repository locally:

        git clone
        cd example-repo

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Basic Git Commands:

git statusCheck the status of your working directory.
git add <file>Add changes to the staging area.
git commit -m "Message"Save staged changes to the repository.
git push originPush committed changes to the remote repository.
git pull originFetch and merge changes from the remote repository.
git logView the history of commits.
git cloneUsed to clone the repository in your local system.
git initInitializing .git file inside the desired folder for tracking the file.
  • Commands:

    1. git status

       On branch main
       Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
       Untracked files:
         (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
    2. git add <file name>

       git add
    3. git commit -m β€œMessage”

       git commit -m "Add initial onboarding documentation"
    4. git push origin <branch name>

       git push origin main
    5. git pull origin <branch name>

       git pull origin main
    6. git log

       commit d1e8f9b2f8f6b99b9a8b41a8c7e9f7e3a2f59d24
       Author: Chaitanya <>
       Date:   Sat Jan 5 14:32:00 2025 +0530
           docs: Add initial onboarding documentation
    7. git clone <URL>

       git clone <>
       cd example-repo
    8. git init

       cd my-project        # Navigate to the project folder
       git init             # Initialize a Git repository

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Commit Message Rules:

  • It is important to understand the rules to work at Chai Code

    1. Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature").

    2. Use camel casing in the message.

    3. Keep the message short (40-50 characters or less).

    4. Use prefixes like fix:, feat:, chore:, docs: for categorization.

      • feat: for new features.

      • fix: for bug fixes.

      • docs: for documentation updates.

      • chore: for maintenance.

    5. Use Meaning full message with appropriate prefixe (git commit -m β€œfeat: Add profile updating feature”)

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Branching Workflow

Branching Strategy

  • main: Contains stable, production-ready code.

  • development: Contains code under active development.

  • Feature branches: Created for new features or bug fixes.

      git branch feature/tea-menu
      git checkout feature/tea-menu

Merging Branches

  1. Once the feature is complete, merge it into development or main:

     git checkout main
     git merge feature/tea-menu
  2. Resolve conflicts if any arise during the merge.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Pull Requests (PR)

  1. Push your feature branch to GitHub:

     Copy code
     git push origin feature/tea-menu
  2. On GitHub, click "New Pull Request" in the repository.

  3. Add a detailed description of the changes and request a code review.

Pull Request Description Example:

Copy code
### Description
This PR adds a tea selection feature to the application.

### Changes
- Add dropdown menu for tea types.
- Update CSS for menu styling.

### Checklist
- [x] Code reviewed.
- [x] Tests passed.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Best Practices

  1. Commit regularly: Save your progress frequently.

  2. Write descriptive commit messages: Ensure your messages explain the changes clearly.

  3. Pull updates often: Stay up-to-date with the remote repository to avoid conflicts.

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